If you’d like to start coming back from your dog walks with both of your arms still the same length you’ve come to the right place.
Sometimes trying to get a dog's attention is a lot like trying to teach an child geometry at the entrance way to Disneyland.
The idea behind the WadeCollar is very simple, the higher you can keep a dog’s collar the more useful it is in controlling the dog’s head. If you can control the direction of the head then you’ve got control of the body and once you’ve accomplished that you can start working with your dog's brain to tap into both your dog’s intelligence and desire to please.
The WadeCollar is mastiff strong, light weight, low profile, dogs don’t mind wearing them, and they’re easy to put on and take off.
The WadeCollar is used by dog owners, dog trainers, veterinarians, by police officers, animal control officers, at humane societies, animal controls and rescues.