Due to the enormous amount of misinformation on the topic of puppy socialization, almost every breeder, dog trainer and puppy owner gets this incredibly important aspect of forming a dog’s temperament wrong, and as a result, many dogs don't develop a bomb-proof temperament. True socialization imprinting (in the sense of helping your dog develop a temperament that isn’t triggered by thunder, fireworks, the behavior of children, separation, unfamiliar dogs, etc.) cannot be accomplished in a misleadingly named puppy socialization class. In fact, these sorts of classes leave too much out and more often than not, inarguably do more harm than good, and as a rule, should be avoided.
Here are a few facts, either not known, or not shared by most breeders and companion dog trainers. Science-based ’socialization’ imprinting (Scott and Fuller) occurs between 3 - 12 weeks (+/- 1 week) of a dog’s life. Most so-called puppy socialization classes occur well after this imprint period. Dog to dog socialization (signaling etc.) occurs from 3-6 weeks of age (well before any so-called puppy socialization class could occur). Pups have a fear imprint period between 8-10 weeks of age and what and how they experience veterinarian visits, car rides, loud sounds, children, etc. needs to be carefully choreographed.
You should keep in mind that a broad-spectrum approach to socialization such as you will find in this eBook will not change the nature of the dog’s genetics. A guard dog will still want to guard, a retriever, retrieve, a herding dog, to herd. However, it will prevent them from developing anxiety/aggression responses due to improper approaches to critical imprinting such as are found in so-called puppy socialization classes.
The best approach to creating a bomb-proof temperament is methodical and time-consuming but worth every minute of investment if your goal is to prepare your dog for the reality of the wide-ranging experiences that they will experience throughout their lives both in and outside of their homes.
I highly recommend that every breeder and puppy owner takes the time to rn the dos and don’ts of temperament shaping (real-socialization) in this easy-to-read, concise e-book. It will have an enormous impact on both your, and your dog’s quality of life. - 73 pages.
- John Wade